Attendees:Alex, Bruce, Kathy, Sue, Wesley
- Minutes read-out from last meeting – Bruce
- Goals for 2013 - Alex
- CCR rewrite
- Dues for 2013
- Detour on West Lake Sammamish Parkway
- Easter social event
- General Discussion
- Suggestions from the picnic were reviewed
- RVs and Boats should be allowed on streets during summer months - a discussion point for the CCR rewrite
- Play structure should be added to the park - will need to contact City Of Bellevue about this
- Name badges for 41.5 Board at events - agreed that this be adopted
- Summer boat tour for kids - declined for liability issues
- Island issues
- Light on Island marquee is out - Alex will get bid from Koll Electric
- Artificial turf is uneven due to truck running over island - Alex recommends we add sand ourself to even it out
- Suggestion of DVR in island for security issues - recommend that fake DVR camera be placed on island
- Pest issues
- Mole problems - brought to Alex's attention from neighborhood member. Action should be up to the individual homeowner.
- Rabbit problems - Kathy thinks birthcontrol methods should be the most helpful. Wesley will investigate possible solutions and we will post the results on the website
- Add 41.5 facebook link to website - Bruce will add this
- Dues for 2013
- Kathy presented budget expenses for 2012 and it was around $6500
- This amount should be covered by $50 dues per household, so $100 dues with 50% discount will be the description.
- Lawyer fees for the CCRs are still an unknown, so that is the reason for maintaining the $100 dues
- Raffle for free dues is a motivator for attending the next public HOA meeting
- CCR Rewrite
- Bruce has contact information for a lawyer specializing in CCR
- Invite lawyer to February 26th meeting with Board - Bruce action item
- Easter Egg Hunt
- A success, will repeat
- Easter is March 31st in 2013
- West Lake Sammamish detour
- Public meeting to discuss the detour is on 12/18 at 2:30-4:00pm at Bellevue City Hall, room 6W-107. Paul Krawczyk will host the meeting.
- Email blast should be send out ASAP with detour map and description of the public meeting
- Detour is posted to the website
- Next meeting will be February 26th, 7pm, at Bruce's house
- Adjourned at 8:30pm