Meeting Minutes July 17, 2012

Attendees:Virginia, Alex, Bruce, Kathy, Sue


  • Minutes read-out from last meeting – Bruce
  • General discussion - Alex
    • GotJunk trucks took 2.5 loads and was a big success.
    • Michael Horntvedt submitted his resignation as VP due to time conflicts. Kathy made a motion to appoint Wesley Tojio as VP, and the motion passed.
    • Wes will speak to Peter Landsdowne who volunteered to serve on the Architecture committee to make sure he's still interested before Bruce will add him to the Architecture email alias.
    • September 9th was selected as the HOA Annual picnic, from 4-8pm. Alex volunteered his trailer to pickup the gas grills and supplies and bring them to the park. Bruce will do an email blast for the event.
    • To drive better attendance at the HOA meetings, Sue mentioned that quarterly meetings got a better turnout than the annual meetings. Alex said that he preferred the social events to serve as the opportunity to discuss HOA issues with neighbors. It was suggested that we raffle a "free dues" at the HOA meeting to drive attendance.
    • Michael has sandwich boards, and Wesley will transfer them to his house.

Picnic Discussion – Sue

  • Entertainment
    • Alex has access to a free "bouncy house" which should hold 4 kids at a time. The electric air pump will need a generator. Kathy and Bruce have generators.
    • Sue will see if the "Balloon Guy" is available
    • Tumble bus did not get much of a turn out, so other ideas will be explored, such as what Vasa Park uses for their entertainment (Alex). Other ideas are Face Painting, Parrot Lady, Reptile Guy, Cougar Mtn zoo (Sue).
    • Pinata will be featured again.
  • Food
    • Last year's picnic featured "Golden Steer" hamburger, which got lots of complements.
    • Garden burgers had limited success.
    • We may have lost a table since Jane moved out. Bruce will post the need for tables and chairs on the website and on the email blast.