Entrance Lighting

If entrance lights are out, it is often fixed by fiddling with the bulb.

To contact Prime Electric:
13301 SE 26th Street NE
​Bellevue, WA 98005
​Phone: 425.747.5200

The number is the front line, and ask for "service".

On 10/7/24, Prime Electric (Adam) came out to repair the island's lighting, which had been damaged by an auto accident on West Lake Sammamish, which chipped the monument, and ran over the lighting on the north side of the monument. When Adam attempted to turn on the power, using the lever switch on the side, but nothing happened, indicating a possible blown fuse inside the locked fuse box. The original lock I had placed on the fuse box had been replaced with a non-keyed lock that must be cut off. This lock was put on by PSE, even though we owned the fuse box. It's a $1000 fine to remove one of these locks, so Adam called PSE and asked for permission to cut the lock, which was granted within a half hour. Two fuses inside the box were blown, so Adam went out to get replacements from Platt Electric Supply. A new light was installed on the north side and everything was working by the time Adam left. The PSE person that Adam talked to said "do not allow the HOA to install their own lock" and in the same conversation, said "it makes to sense for PSE to put their lock on a privately owned fuse box". So this situation will repeat itself anytime we need to replace a fuse.

They now have an app for notifying service.

Requested service (talked to Mark) on 12/5/2016 about entrance light on South side not working after new bulbs were tried unsuccessfully. Scheduled for 12/8 or 12/9 for repair.

On 12/8/2016, Ken Hanson (khanson@primeelectric.com, 425-864-1042) from Prime Electric came out to fix the monument lighting on the South side, but of course, it started working the day before he came out! We disassembled the rear of the monument to determine if it had control of the monument power, but found that the backlighting sheet metal was both screwed and riveted in place, making access beyond the sheet metal a very difficult task and was probably not the right place for finding more electrical controls. We couldn't locate the breaker box or meter at that time, so we decided to stop work on things until either he could find records for the monument in their system or I could locate the meter and fuse box.

We are known as "Fortyone Point Five" in their database.

PSE Information:

  • Account Number: 200019722954
  • Meter number: U015038661

Breaker box is located North of the monument, near the new crosswalk, mounted on a 4x4" pole:

Meter box: