KC owners = SIM KUN SOP+CHONG OK for 2607800010, lot 1
Our records: Kunsop Sim and Chongok Sim
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = OVERMAN SHELLEY E for 2607800020, lot 2
Our records: Shelley Overman
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = JOHNSON EVERETT H for 2607800030, lot 3
Our records: Everett Johnson and Lise Corriveau
50% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = AYAD GEORGE A+MIRA SAMIR for 2607800040, lot 4
Our records: George Ayad and Mira Ayad
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = CLARK WILLIAM A III+ELIZABE for 2607800050, lot 5
Our records: William Clark and Elizabeth Clark
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = OAKLAND MYRON S+MARY B for 2607800060, lot 6
Our records: Myron Oakland and Mary Oakland
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = EVANS NANCY W for 2607800070, lot 7
Our records: Rob Evans and Nancy Evans
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = SUTHERLAND J BRENT+NICAN L for 2607800080, lot 8
Our records: Brent Sutherland and Nican Sutherland
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = VAHDAT VIDA AGHDASSI for 2607800090, lot 9
Our records: Manooch Aghdassi and Vida VahDat Aghdassi
80% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = MASON LINDA for 2607800100, lot 10
Our records: Amelia Mace-Junas
0% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is False
KC owners = COOPER BRADLEY M+AMBER for 2607800110, lot 11
Our records: Peter Weng
0% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is False
KC owners = COOPER BRADLEY M+AMBER for 2607800110, lot 11
Our records: Brad Cooper and Amber Cooper
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = ROSEN DAVID H+DAVIDA A for 2607800120, lot 12
Our records: David Rosen and Davida Rosen
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = PEACH DANIEL R+TERESSA L for 2607800130, lot 13
Our records: Daniel Peach and Teresa Peach
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = SU MICHAEL H H+GERALDINE M for 2607800140, lot 14
Our records: Michael Su and Geraldine Su
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = MARK DAVID P & EVA for 2607800150, lot 15
Our records: David Mark and Eva Mark
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = RIETVELD TIMOTHY J+SUSAN K for 2607800160, lot 16
Our records: Susan Rietveld
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = WANAGEL JONATHAN+LIZZY ROJA for 2607800170, lot 17
Our records: Jonathan Wanagel and Lizzy Rojas
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = BICCUM K JOHN+ATHENE for 2607800180, lot 18
Our records: John Biccum and Athene Biccum
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = SU WILLIAM+YANG JO-WEI for 2607800190, lot 19
Our records: William Su and Jo-Wei Yang
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = MANGRIO TARIQUE+SAIMA for 2607800200, lot 20
Our records: Tarique Mangrio and Saima Mangrio
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = PHILLIPY BRYCE+CARLA D for 2607800210, lot 21
Our records: Bryce Phillipy and Carla Phillipy
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = RAYMUNDO LORENZO & ANGELITA for 2607800220, lot 22
Our records: Lorenzo Raymundo and Angelita Raymundo
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = MURAKAMI STEPHEN+ALMA for 2607800230, lot 23
Our records: Alma Murakami and Stephen Murakami
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = WONG CHUN KIN RAYMOND+CHAU for 2607800240, lot 24
Our records: Raymond Wong
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = HSU CHU-YI+COSTELLO JOSEPH for 2607800250, lot 25
Our records: Joe Costello and Chu-yi Hsu
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = LYBECK PAULETTE A for 2607800260, lot 26
Our records: P. Lybeck and Paulette Lybeck
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = KIM HONG MIN+SU JIN LEE for 2607800270, lot 27
Our records: Hong Min Kim
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = SEYEDJAVADI ABBAS+NADIA MAD for 2607800280, lot 28
Our records: Abbas Seyedjavadi and Nadia Seyedjavadi
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = SEXTON RITA MARY for 2607800290, lot 29
Our records: Michael Sexton and Rita Sexton
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = LEE JERRY+ELSIE for 2607800300, lot 30
Our records: Jerry Lee and Elsie Lee
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = NG KWOK KUEN+SIM KUEN for 2607800310, lot 31
Our records: Kwok Kuen Ng and Sim Kuen Ng
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = BOURNE STEPHANIE for 2607800320, lot 32B
Our records: Stephanie Bourne
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = ALM JASON for 2607800322, lot 32A
Our records: Jason Alm and Ashley Alm
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = HARVEY KIRK RICHARDS for 2607800330, lot 33
Our records: Kirk Harvey and Mary Ann Harvey
60% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = CHRISTIE LISA H+LANSDOWNE P for 2607800340, lot 34
Our records: Peter Lansdowne and Lisa Christie
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = FOGLE WM H & BARBARA D for 2607800350, lot 35
Our records: Bill Fogle and Barbara Fogle
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = CARVER MIKEL+ANGELA R for 2607800360, lot 36
Our records: Mikel Carver and Angela Carver
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = JOHNSON CHRISTOPHER L+KATHL for 2607800370, lot 37
Our records: Chris Johnson and Kathy Teuber
50% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = XING LI+WANG YAN for 2607800380, lot 38
Our records: Yan Wang and Li Xing
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = HORNTVEDT MICHAEL T+JOY A for 2607800390, lot 39
Our records: Michael Horntvedt and Joy Horntvedt
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = SHIEH JAYSON KEVIN for 2607800400, lot 40
Our records: Manooch Vahdat and Vida Vahdat
0% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is False
KC owners = SULLIVAN JOHN F+CAROLYN Z for 2607800410, lot 41
Our records: John Sullivan and Carolyn Sullivan
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = KARMALI MURAD & NADYA for 2607800420, lot 42
Our records: Mansurali Karmali and Laila Karmali
50% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = RYBACKI DOUGLAS for 2607800430, lot 43
Our records: Josepha Rood and Doug Rybacki
50% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = CHEUNG KAREN+GOMEZ HAROLD S for 2607800440, lot 44
Our records: Harold Gomez and Karen Cheung
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = BANCROFT MARTIN S for 2607800450, lot 45
Our records: Martin Bancroft and Ann Marie Clark
40% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is False
KC owners = MIRANDA FERNANDO DE A M for 2607800460, lot 46
Our records: Fernando Fabiola and Miranda Miranda
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = SIMCOFF LANNY B for 2607800470, lot 47
Our records: Lanny Simcoff and Melanie Simcoff
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = LINDLEY MARTHA for 2607800480, lot 48
Our records: Martha Lindley
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = SCHOLBE JOHN H+CHRISTINA M for 2607800490, lot 49
Our records: John Scholbe and Christina Scholbe
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = ATAR SEBASTIAN D+EMILY V for 2607800500, lot 50
Our records: Sebastian Atar and Emily Atar
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = SOMMER MATTHEW M+MERCY Z for 2607800510, lot 51
Our records: Matthew Sommer and Mercy Perez
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = GEORGE EDWARD+ALLISON for 2607800520, lot 52
Our records: Edd George and Allison George
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = KANG JEAN J+DO ANTHONY H for 2607800530, lot 53
Our records: Anthony Do and Jean Kang
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = ABOBA BERNARD for 2607800540, lot 54
Our records: Bernard Aboba
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = WOO MATTHEW J+BRAVO GRACE B for 2607800550, lot 55
Our records: Matthew Woo and Grace Bravo
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = TOJIO WESLEY I+JENNI S KIM for 2607800560, lot 56
Our records: Wesley Tojio and Jenni Tojio
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = VO BETSY+VU THANG for 2607800570, lot 57
Our records: Betsy Vo and Thang Vu
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = CHEOL OH KWANG+KYUNG KIM SA for 2607800580, lot 58
Our records: Sang Kyung Kim and Kwang Cheol Oh
85.7142857143% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = KRAWARIK ALEXANDER+LOCKE SU for 2607800590, lot 59
Our records: Alex Krawarik and Summer Locke
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = TETZLAFF J E & I E for 2607800600, lot 60
Our records: Inge Tetzlaff
50% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is False
KC owners = KEIBLER EVAN M+SARAH L for 2607800610, lot 61
Our records: Sarah Keibler and Evan Keibler
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = DOLAN CHRISTINA M for 2607800620, lot 62
Our records: Christina Dolan
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = TAKACS CLAUDIA for 2607800630, lot 63
Our records: Andrew Takacs and Claudia Takacs
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = JYH-WEI LIAN for 2607800640, lot 64
Our records: Jyh-Wei Lian and Chiung Chen Lian
60% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = KIM SEONGHOON for 2607800650, lot 65
Our records: Parastoo Mantashi and Seonghoon Kim
50% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = EDWARDS H BERRYMAN for 2607800660, lot 66
Our records: H.B. Edwards
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = LUU CO VI+JOYCE SIK YAN CHA for 2607800670, lot 67
Our records: Kevin Luu and Joyce Luu
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = DECHAINEAU ROBERT+SANDRA for 2607800680, lot 68
Our records: Robert DeChaineau
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = BLANCO MARJORIE N for 2607800690, lot 69
Our records: Marjorie Blanco
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = ROCK BRIAN P & DEBORAH L for 2607800700, lot 70
Our records: Brian Rock and Deborah Rock
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = SHAFER MICHAEL+KIMBERLY for 2607800710, lot 71
Our records: Mike Shafer and Kim Shafer
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = HAN WON H for 2607800720, lot 72
Our records: Won Han and Yong Han
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = FEI JINHUA+JIAYI FAN for 2607800730, lot 73
Our records: Matt Fei and Jenny Fan
50% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = WARREN CARRIE S for 2607800740, lot 74
Our records: Jonathan Olson and Melanie Olson
0% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is False
KC owners = DIAZ ANDREW R+THERESA B for 2607800750, lot 75
Our records: Andrew Diaz and Theresa Diaz
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = BURKE MICHAEL R+SUSAN J for 2607800760, lot 76
Our records: Michael Burke and Susan Burke
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = BHASKARA CHANDRA S+RAMASUBR for 2607800770, lot 77
Our records: Chandra Bhaskara and Lakshmi Ramasu
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = TUKU NURU for 2607800780, lot 78
Our records: Nuru Tuku and Sara Mohamed
50% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = VAEZI LIZA+SHAFFER DAVID J for 2607800790, lot 79
Our records: David Shaffer and Liza Vaezi
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = WARR WINSTON D for 2607800800, lot 80
Our records: Winston Warr and Carole Warr
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = TERRILL BRUCE S for 2607800810, lot 81
Our records: Bruce Terrill and Chris Robinson
50% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = MACASKILL STUART for 2607800820, lot 82
Our records: Stuart Macaskill and Stacy Manolakas
50% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = GRENET GWENAELLE+JEAN-PHILL for 2607800830, lot 83
Our records: Jean-Phillipe Grenet and Gwenaelle Grenet
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = GUO WEI+ZHANG DANDAN for 2607800840, lot 84
Our records: Fernando Gastelo and Wendy Ledezma
0% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is False
KC owners = AU ANNA H+LAU EDVASON for 2607800850, lot 85
Our records: Fred Luthardt and Nancy Luthardt
0% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is False
KC owners = HALL ARNE JOHN for 2607800860, lot 86
Our records: Arne Hall and Julie Hall
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = BORISOV ANATOLIY & ANNA for 2607800870, lot 87
Our records: Anatoliy Borisov and Anna Borisov
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = MOON SI YEON+JAE YEON for 2607800880, lot 88
Our records: Daniel Chun
0% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is False
KC owners = FISHER GAIL A+FIGUEROA HENR for 2607800890, lot 89
Our records: Henry Figueroa and Gail Figueroa
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = QIAN ZHI+QIAN ZHAO for 2607800900, lot 90
Our records: Zhi Qian and Qian Zhao
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = LAU DANIEL C+TAY GERRI for 2607800910, lot 91
Our records: Gerri Tay and Dan Lau
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = METZGER GABRIELLA for 2607800920, lot 92
Our records: Gabriella Metzger
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = PUTNAM CAROL P for 2607800930, lot 93
Our records: Carol Putnam
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = CIMPRICH PATRICK F for 2607800940, lot 94
Our records: Patrick Cimprich and Natalie Remedios
50% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = AVENA SHERRY for 2607800950, lot 95
Our records: Sherry Avena
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = FANG JIAN LONG+HUANG WEI for 2607800960, lot 96
Our records: Ester Huang and Wei Huang
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = BENVENISTE DANIEL STEPHEN+A for 2607800970, lot 97
Our records: Daniel Benveniste and Adriana Prengler
50% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = BRITT ROBERT ALEXANDER+CLAN for 2607800980, lot 98
Our records: Jim Blair and Lynn Blair
0% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is False
KC owners = WILLIAMS MICHAEL G for 2607800990, lot 99
Our records: Michael Williams and Hanna Williams
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = KOLTER JASON R+ERIN C for 2607801000, lot 100
Our records: Jason Kolter and Erin Kolter
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = FOX RUSSELL E for 2607801010, lot 101
Our records: Russell Fox and Macy Fox
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = KAFKA PETER for 2607801020, lot 102
Our records: Peter Kafka
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = WANG DALI+YINGYING SHEN for 2607801030, lot 103
Our records: Daniel Wang and Helen Shen
50% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = KRINGLEN EINAR K+MARSHA M for 2607801040, lot 104
Our records: Keith Kringlen and Marsha Kringlen
75% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners not found for parcel 2607801050, lot 105!
Our records: Marcus Lin and Grace Lin
KC owners = QUIROZ ARTURO A for 2607801060, lot 106
Our records: Arturo Quiroz
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = STEVENSON GARY O for 2607801070, lot 107
Our records: Gary Stevenson
100% matches out of 2 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = HWANG JAE DONG+KWAK WOOHEE for 2607801080, lot 108
Our records: Jaedong Hwang and Woohee Kwak
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = SUNWAY LLC for 2607801090, lot 109
Our records: Thomas Sconzo and Marian Sconzo
0% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is False
KC owners = VENKATESAN PRASANNA P+GITA for 2607801100, lot 110
Our records: Gita Venkatesan and Prasanna Venkatesan
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = MOE PETE & MARY JO for 2607801110, lot 111
Our records: Pete Moe and Mary Jo Moe
100% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is True
KC owners = ARAFAT MD HUMAYUN+NAZNIN FA for 2607801120, lot 112
Our records: Edward Degree and Jenna Degree
0% matches out of 4 items, consider this a match is False
---------------------------------Summary of low certainty matches------------------------------------
KC owners = MASON LINDA for 2607800100, lot 10
0% certainty with our records of Amelia Mace-Junas
KC owners = COOPER BRADLEY M+AMBER for 2607800110, lot 11
0% certainty with our records of Peter Weng
KC owners = SHIEH JAYSON KEVIN for 2607800400, lot 40
0% certainty with our records of Manooch Vahdat and Vida Vahdat
KC owners = BANCROFT MARTIN S for 2607800450, lot 45
40% certainty with our records of Martin Bancroft and Ann Marie Clark
KC owners = TETZLAFF J E & I E for 2607800600, lot 60
50% certainty with our records of Inge Tetzlaff
KC owners = WARREN CARRIE S for 2607800740, lot 74
0% certainty with our records of Jonathan Olson and Melanie Olson
KC owners = GUO WEI+ZHANG DANDAN for 2607800840, lot 84
0% certainty with our records of Fernando Gastelo and Wendy Ledezma
KC owners = AU ANNA H+LAU EDVASON for 2607800850, lot 85
0% certainty with our records of Fred Luthardt and Nancy Luthardt
KC owners = MOON SI YEON+JAE YEON for 2607800880, lot 88
0% certainty with our records of Daniel Chun
KC owners = BRITT ROBERT ALEXANDER+CLAN for 2607800980, lot 98
0% certainty with our records of Jim Blair and Lynn Blair
KC owners = SUNWAY LLC for 2607801090, lot 109
0% certainty with our records of Thomas Sconzo and Marian Sconzo
KC owners = ARAFAT MD HUMAYUN+NAZNIN FA for 2607801120, lot 112
0% certainty with our records of Edward Degree and Jenna Degree