When: 11/7/18
Where: Alex Britt's house
- Alex Britt - President
- Helen Shen - Vice President
- Ian Clanton-Thuon - Treasurer
- Alex Krawarik - Secretary
- Vickie Jaegers Ellis - Social
- Bruce Terrill - Communications
- Introductions
- CCR's, letters, violations - enforcement
- Send Alex B. a copy of scheduled fines - AI Bruce
- New CCRs recorded on 7/2018
- Welcoming committee
- Dues
- Mailings for 2019 - Will include CCRs - AI Alex B. and Ian
- Dues will increase to $100/year
- Insurances - State Farm, Directors Insurance - AI Alex K.
- Rental properties, updating tenants
- Bank Account/Financial - Ian
- Currently $500 in old account, waiting to make sure everything clears
- $6100 in new account, received new ledger and deposit stamp
- Square account as option for dues payment via CC online
- Lighted sign
- PSE auto payment transferred to new Bank of America account
- New bulbs from Batteries Plus, 8/2018, $57 (three bulbs)
- Holiday Social? - French Immersion or Sambica?
- Got Junk Truck - June - May go away since residents have been abusive of this service.
- Shredding Truck - Popular idea. May replace Got Junk Trucks.
- Curb Painting 2019? - Reflective paint is desired for next go around. Bruce reported that this paint may not last as long as non-reflective paint.
- Criminal activities - community watch
- Car break-ins
- Petty thefts
- Garage break-ins
- Sunrise Park knife injury - isolated incident, no other violent crime reported