Public HOA Meeting Minutes, June 5, 2012
Attendees: 13 Residents and the Board
Slides: are here
General Meeting: Alex Krawarik (President)
Alex started the meeting by listing the meetings agenda. He then turned the meeting over to John Knight to introduce the new residents that have bought his house: Sebastion and Emily Atar.
The successful sale of other homes in the neighborhood and the need for an HOA and CCR's to maintain the neighborhood looks for the sake of home values and sales.
The CCR revisions were discussed. The motivations for a rewrite are that our current CCR's reference being part of Unincorporated King County and has vague language that needs updating in other sections. The Board tried in 2011 to utilize free resources to review our CCR's without success. It is apparent that we must hire a real estate lawyer to pursue this topic in a timely fashion. The need for a CCR subcommittee leader was mentioned. A CCR rewrite requires that a majority vote of the neighborhood is required to be passed.
Architecture: Michael Horntvedt (Vice President) and Wesley Tojio (Architecture Subcommittee)
Special thanks was given to Virgina Knight for her participation as Architecture and Vice President for many years.
For cutting of trees, the Architecture Committee would like notification of any tree exceeding 6" in diameter being removed. The City of Bellevue rules need to be followed regarding tree removal.
A question was raised about City of Bellevue thinning trees in the greenbelt between the upper and lower neighborhoods. Except for individuals notifying the COB, it does not appear that they instigate removal.
Finance Report: Kathy Teuber (Treasurer)
Kathy listed the expenditures for 2011, which were roughly $6500 per year. Details are here
Cory & Dayne Cirrincione discussed their break in from the prior week and the possibility of an entrance gate. Michael thought this was probably not going to work with Bellevue public parks being part of our neighborhood. Peter Lansdowne suggested that a looping camera be installed in the entrance to capture the license plates of cars that come and leave our neighborhood. Bruce Terrill will take this as an action item to pursue.
Social Report: Sue Rietveld (Social)
Sue listed a number of milestone projects for the neighborhood followed by listing the current social events that are on our calendar. The upcoming events are the Garage Sale, the Got Junk truck, and the Annual Picnic.
Sue asked if anyone would like to help out on Social because of her recent medical challenges.
Nominations, Elections, General Q&A: Alex Krawarik (President)
Alex asked if there were any nominations for replacing any Board members and no one submitted any. Alex mentioned that our bylaws say no Board member may server more than 3 years (good luck!).
Filling out our desired subcommittees: Social, Architecture, and CCRs.
Debbie Rock volunteered to help on both Social and Architecture.
Peter Landsdowne volunteered for Architecture.
Cory and Dayne brought up the issue of controlling the speed of cars from the upper neighborhood, since their home is directly at the bottom. Chris Johnson brought up the issue of emergency vehicles needing full power and therefore no speed bumps to get up the hill to the upper neighborhood. Putting a "yield" sign at the intersection of 172nd PL SE was mentioned as being asked of the COB in the past, with no luck. Alex mentioned that we might investigate that once again. Also removing a shrub that produces a blind corner at the top of the steep hill might improve safety.
Alex mentioned that putting out the Turtles with Flags saying to slow down is a practice that his household and several others do to slow cars down and that this would be permissible in the lower neighborhood were Cory and Dayne live as well.
The meeting was concluded and adjourned at around 8:20 PM.