November Board Meeting, 2011

Board Meeting 11/29/2011

Location: Bruce Terrill's House

Alex Krawarik, Virginia Knight, Bruce Terrill, Kathy Teuber, Susan Rietveld, Michael Horntvedt, Wesley Tojio

General Discussion:
The water problem at the retaining wall has not be evident so far this fall, so the City of Bellevue has not been contacted regarding this past problem.

Renewal of the non-profit status is paid up.

The annex blackberries and weeds were removed by JP Landscaping which cost $1420. This included property that the City of Bellevue maintains. A discussion of what the HOA will maintain in the future is a 15 foot setback from the road, to just beyond the community mailbox and a symmetric portion opposite the street. The remaining properties are responsible for their own maintenance from now on. The Board agreed to check back with the annex home owners to see if they have a plan to maintain the non-HOA portion. If not, an option to opt-out of the 41.5 HOA may be offered to them. The cost of monthly maintenance of the HOA property and the other areas was quoted at $60, which is was deemed too high for the HOA to maintain in perpetuity.

Virginia Knight is moving out of the neighborhood within the next 6 months, so Michael Horntvedt will assume her duties as of January... thanks to Virginia for all her hard work through out the years!

A discussion of several properties that were needing yard or house upkeep were discussed.

Both of the entrance island lights are out, which sounds like a fuse is blown. Alex will contact Prime Electric to repair.

Treasurer Report (Kathy)
Kathy explored what our HOA account balance will look like by 2016 and unless new expenses crop up, it appears that we will be taking in more than we have expenses to match. Based on this assessment, it was decided to keep the dues at $100 per household, but discount it by $25 for a resulting dues of $75 until further notice.

This lead to a general discussion of what other things we might do with the money. Here's some ideas:

  1. Tree removal assistance
  2. Soundwall for upper neighborhood
  3. Mediation
  4. Have the trees trimmed below the park to restore the lake view
  5. Trees next to the retaining wall generate a lot of slippery leaves that the city cleans occasionally. Alex proposed that a set-back of the trees would prevent this problem, but probably would not be paid for by the City of Bellevue Parks. A request of this action would likely result in a denial, which might suggest that the HOA pay for this. Also, requesting that the side walk have grooves in it for better traction was suggested.
  6. Neighborhood consultant
    1. General beautification and improvement
    2. Diseased or dangerous tree identification (on homeowners or City of Bellevue property)

Michael outlined the actionable steps for the consultant idea above as:

  1. Definition of what we want done
  2. Get bids
  3. Execute the plan

Ownership of these steps may be Michael, or may be the start of another committee.

CC&R's and ByLaws
Jane Bisbee is moving, so a status of the CCR rewrite is needed. Bruce will contact Betsy Vo, who is doing the technical evaluation and editing of the current CCR and Bylaws revision and request a meeting with the CCR committee and Betsy for understanding it's status.

Understanding whether the City of Bellevue needs to approve this is something that Alex will talk to Jane about.

A question arose whether a lawyer was ever used to enforce a CCR convenant. To Virginia's memory, the only occasion was to understand if the section "Fences and Hedges" (section 3.17 in current CCRs) could be used to enforce tree removal, which a lawyer was consulted on, and was told it was unenforceable using it's current language. This raised a question about whether a lawyer could be used in the future if the CCRs were rewritten to be enforceable. It was pointed out that this could significantly affect the HOA's annual budget if a lawyer was brought in for the occasional CCR violation and the Board felt it was not necessary, and that mediation would always be the route to enforcement. A discussion of whether a Lien could serve as an enforcement mechanism, and it was thought to be of little leverage in most situations.

Social Report (Sue)

  • Sue looked into the Sambica facility for a Spaghetti feed, but needs to collect more data such as prices and perhaps a walk through with the board
  • Three new families and one returning owner-landlord were welcomed by Sue to the neighborhood.
  • Alex re-iterated the desire for an 41.5 Easter Egg event to eliminate the frustrating version at Vasa Park. The next meeting date was chosen to allow adequate time to discuss this option.
  • A neighborhood dumpster that is manned for a limited amount of time or is driven through the neighborhood was discussed. The "Got Junk" people were discussed as well as the "1GreenPlanet".
  • June is still our target garage sale month

Website Enhancements

  • An internal web page visible to the HOA Board and Committees only was discussed and approved. This is to provide knowledge continuity relevant to the HOA Board and it's duties.
    • Next Board Meeting: February 7, 2012 at 7pm