HOA Meeting Minutes Jan 13, 2015
Attendees: Helen Shen, Carla Phillipy, Alex Krawarik, Bruce Terrill
Ad Hoc Discussion about car prowls, and the total numbers of cars in the community.
Call to order at 7:15
CCR Rewrite
- The CCR review, send it with the dues mailer?
- Bruce sees another small iteration coming. He took the recommendations we had, a few strike outs are back in because the lawyer recommended they really need to be in but the spirit is brevity is still there. One of the biggest sections that Mike Spence changed was the green-tagging section, he made that its own article. He took out the monitary schedule, though.
- The majority owners to amend, we need a percentage for majority to amend. Dan said 90%, I think the current version says 75%, we could try 70%. AI Bruce: change the CCR document to state this
- Architecture committee says now no less than 3 owners that is chaired by the Vice President discussion
- Common Elements section Michael re-arranged, and added the Stormwater pond
- Security Mailboxes, was looking up today, those are easement by the post-office. Not sure that's a common element.
Who owns the post-office boxes, though, if that happens? AI Bruce: determine status of mailbox easement
- Brian Rock had all the power tools needed to modify the covers, as the new mailboxes are 3 inches taller than the old.
- Lots 32a and b dont have a street sign, but in the original plat, the original plat its designated as a street. The "Private Drive".... AI Bruce/Alex: Contact residents about their "private drive" signage
- AI Bruce: Should we ask the City of Bellevue for a new sign?
- The CCRs can't trump the municipal code wrt Recreational Vehicles, so that language is now out again
- Registered Sex Offenders are not allowed to reside in 41Point5, and says that has been held up in court. So we can leave that language in
- Left most of our stuff alone until maintenance, dishes to 3 feet or less
- Cited city of bellevue code for nuisances and offensive action, that is Bellevue Statute 9.10.30
- Dog feces, that is city of bellevue health and safey issue that is defensible
- We had struck entry for emergency repairs and maintenance, leave in for purposes of water main break or gas line break, this is a common HOA requirement to leave in.
- Books and records section, he left the deposits and bank statements in.
- Changed some of the language for financial stuff. If the annual budget exceeds $50,000, requires and audit.
- Delivery of notice, we have email in there, but he modified that a little bit.
- One thing thats new is the green tagging section, created a new Article, Article 20. He added some language there for hearing by the boards.
- Condemnation, "It's very common for HOA documents to contain this language, I've never seen an HOA doc that didnt have this language."
- Article 29, thats relatively new.
- Do you know how much he billed for that? So far, bill for $400? Not sure we've seen the latest round.
Would like Sarah to speak to sending this separately from the dues.
- How much will filing cost? AI Bruce: Ask Michael this
7:45 Sarah Kiebler entry
Other business.
- The mailing, last years review. Are we collecting $50 this year?
Sarah - We ran a deficit last year but I think we keep it at $50 until we are within $10,000
How do we approve any additional spend?
Do we need Mike Spence to do any additional significant work?
Sarah has asked for an itemized statement
- Talking ad hoc about the mailing for 2015...
- Add the comments on the form, we can do the same thing with the labels, timing.
- Timing is February 25th meeting AI Bruce: add comments section to mailer
- 4 New addresses Sarah will email to Bruce, she got from title companies.
- Easter Egg Hunt, April 5th, should be late enough. We will do it Saturday instead of Sunday.
- Talking ad hoc about helping Sue.
- Talking about Inge's dog that got bitten on the I90 trail. AI Bruce: Do an email blast of this
- Talking about new traffic camera at Sunset School AI Bruce: contact Bellevue about rules, grace period, fine and post on website
Next meeting set for the Feb 25th.
Several houses coming up for sale, Athene and John, the Rocks, Sue, and Fema and Rima.