Bruce, Alex, Sue, Kathy
Read in minutes from last meeting (19:18 – 19:31)
“Bylaws” posted on the website
Betsy Vo, and CCR revision (19:31 – 19:54)
We should form a subgroup. The original group was Betsy, Jane, Kathy, Michael, Chris, and Bruce
Determine what the tasks are:
What are the tools, what are the enforcement options the HOA has?
Pick 3 attorneys and get their advice
Re-engage Betsy
Possibly figure out what insurance coverage we have vs. what we should have.
Has been attempted in the past and it didn’t go anywhere
Because it needs a project manager
HOA board still owns the problem, and gets the subgroup together, perhaps invites Jane to the first one, one of the board members oversight can ensure some steady progress.
Need to be cost conscious
Alex to send mail to [list of interested folks], with board CC’ed to kick start the process, outline the basic questions and get a report-out by next
CCR from Somerset is on the website.
Treasurer (19:54 – 19:59)
2012 dues
SENT! Sent Friday, finished Monday, hopefully everyone has received them. Some folks pre-paid 100$ so we have to credit them.
Expect to have some numbers on completion next time around. When got everything from Gaby, only 1 person with dues in arrears. So no one is past due.
Automation of mailers, Accounting software (Invoices at Office Depot) expensed
1500 insurance invoice, we aren’t exactly sure what this covers.
Snowpocalypse (20:01 – 20:05)
Storm drains – Sue went around the upper subdivision, and cleared the storm drains.
Street sweeping
Can we figure out the schedule for street sweeping, so people need to move their cars with a mail blast
Bruce to find out schedule.
Social (20:05 – 20:45)
Sambica Update – Dining hall facility, Joshua Hall meeting room with nice ambiance, smaller down-by-the-lake cottage with a grassy area on the waterfront which would work for BBQ, swim, or Easter Egg hunt.
For annual meeting: 29 attendees at the last annual meeting. Sambica a good option.
Easter Egg hunt to be done in our own park, Sat April 7th, 10:00am – Kathy’d rather spend the 275 on Easter Eggs than on the facility. High schooler’s can drive the setup of the hunt of do activities. Easter Hat Parade.
Bruce Mail blast, and Sue sign on March 15th. Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Hat Parade. Sue can supervise the highschoolers, go to Costco : what is budget/target for eggs? 300+ eggs (est 30 kids * 10 eggs a piece). Target has them pre-loaded. (we could return some if low turnout). Bring your own basket!
Annual meeting should be a weeknight, first week of June. Tues, Wed, or Thurs, June 5th, 6th, or 7th. Alex to follow up with Lynda and cc Sue.
Block Watch – about 14 homes that historically have been low-key block watch over the years.
“Transition of VP”
Alex to send mail to board and Bruce to change the alias.
Next Board meeting
Tues March 13th is next meeting.
Architecture: review – we deferred this conversation to when Michael could attend.
Lot 107/108 and complaints
Known homes for sale in 41point5
Information Retention