Meeting Minutes March 2012

Attendees: Alex, Kathy, Bruce, Wes, Sue, Michael

General Discussion
Read Minutes (19:36 – 19:45)
Covered dues collection for 2012, 20 have not yet replied
High level review of insurance policy. There is some stuff in there that we aren’t so sure what it is, we should get an agent to walk us through this policy.

Michael review on Architectural Committee issues:

  • Drainage in general
  • Peterson’s tree removal
  • 4072 173rd Pl SE, Bellevue, WA 98008. There is a large boat parked along the northeast side of the house. The boat is visible from the street and from my home, as well. It has been parked there for quite some time now
  • Someone else cut a tree down, but didn’t ask permission. No more details, but fostered a discussion around our tree philosophy.
  • Blue tarp on the hillside as you drive in.
  • Drainage up by Jenny Lee’s house
  • Water main work about to begin, someones yard got marked up pretty bad.
  • New house was barked, so looks a bit better.

Social: (20:24 – 20:55)

  • Sue has some personal stuff to attend to in coming months and availability is unknown.
    newsletter .
  • Bruce to draft a web page, folks to comment on it. Garage Sale, GotJunk truck, and Annual Meeting to be in newsletter.
  • Easter Egg hunt, 300+ Easter Eggs, Quarters? Hay pickup? Bruce to get with his truck. Used hay goes where? Dog park?
    • Bamboo wands for cordoning off sections (Kathy)
    • Setup is 8:30 – 9:00 on Sat April 7th, starting 10am.
    • Garage sale, in June, needs better signage for folks to make it up to the top of the hill.

    Discussion on endorsements
    Forum is the best place for this
    Tues 5/22/2012 is the next meeting.