HOA Board Meeting Notes
July 1st 2014, 7pm to ...
Attendees Bruce Terrill (new Pres), Helen Shen (new VP), Carla Phillipy (new Social), Sarah Kiebler (Secretary), Alex Krawarik (interim Secretary), Sue Rietveld (outgoing Social), Wes Tojio (outgoing VP)
- All set up
- Will need to hand off the invoice to Sarah by July 16th - Aug 3rd
Annual Picnic
- Date is Sept 6th
- Thinking about doing it through catering (place in Woodinville, barbeque, 12$ per adult, n$ per child
- Ask the caterer what tables they have
- "Bring Your favorite beverage" for your self and your family
- We will have a little extra seating, but bring your own seating if possible.
- Can bring Salad and deserts as sides in addition to the catering
- Send an email blast now with dates and some details, and then end of August, right before school starts, send a reminder
- Entertainment:
- Kevin ("Balloon Guy") not this year? We should send him a notification that he isn't coming this year. AI: Bruce
- "Reptile Guy", another new Reptile Guy who is out in Monroe?
- some other kind of Magician?
- some kind of Story-telling musician?
- Girl Scout troop to do face painting, we did face painting and paid them 35$
- Pinata, Sue's kids might be able to run that. Pinata at Party City.
- We should have 2 tables -
- The Harvey's normally bring chairs
- Sidewalk chalk!!
- https://www.gigsalad.com/Variety/Children-Kids-Entertainment/WA/Bellevue
Garage Sale:
We counted 7 garages open this time, sometimes we get as many as 15 (Sue)
the signs are Wes', we dont know what happened with the signs
Curb Painting
- It is budgeted for in 2015, that way weill also know the price tag for the CCR thing
- Let's revisit this at the Annual picnic
- Melanie Olson to be added as Co-Social to the Distribution Lists
- Sue to transfer the sign keys and sign letters to Carla and Melanie
- Bruce and Alex to look through the boxes together, Alex to bring the boxes over to Bruce.
CCR ReWrite Discussion
- How to move forward from here, discussion
- Change the rules for voting, get rid of the 75% majority
- Streamlined doc is the choice we are making, Bruce is going to try to do some advanced edits before giving to Mike Spence
- Census idea - AI - Bruce: send out separate census email to residents to find out which one is a rental
- Find out if Gaby has long folding table - AI - Bruce.
- Discussion around how email addresses should be set up
- Email review of draft to be sent to Mike.
- Signature transfer to Bruce requires two additional parties such as Alex and Sarah. No rush on this as most people are on vacation right now.
- Alex is out 7/16 - 8/13 on vacation.
- Sarah is shopping around for a better PO Box
- Inventory of signs is 4 chalk board signs, 2 steel signs, which Wesley will transfer to Carla
- Inventory of tables is 2 tables, one long folding one (whereabouts unknown) and one fixed table which will be transferred to Carla
- Co-chair for social is Melanie Sidwell
- Sue has 2 keys for the entrance sign, Melanie and Carla will each get one. Backlight on island needs to be fixed.
Next Meeting:August 19th, 7pm