HOA Meeting Notes
Meeting called to Order 7:20
Annual picnic!
- Gaby has some of the supplies, 2 tables, what does armadillo bring?
- Carla to do water jug and cups
- We need 6 chairs? We dont usually bring any
- Entertainment/Food
- water rocket 2L bottles
- dodgeball with exercise ball
- egg on the spoon, egg on the grass, water balloons?
- magic show 40m, baloons 40m, shows up 5:30 - goofy gideon
- name tags for everyone
- Armadillo serving at 5
- people to show up at 4
- do a pinata at end , use plastic bat, adjust the height based on the child. party city. 4 pounds of candy.
- email blast - AI Bruce
- Facebook, Alex to create the event on FB
Other Business
- "The event of the year!" The Inga Award - Incredibly Noticable Gardening Award. Once a quarter. 5$ Gift Card along with certificate.
- Mailboxes replacement completed, with much help from Brian Rock. New mailboxes are 3" taller than older ones
- Discuss crime wave
- Gesture for Sue before they leave. FundMe