The sidewalk sections that typically need the pressure washing are illustrated:
Measurements: The West sidewalk is 3400 square feet, the wall is 800 sq ft., and the East sidewalk section is 250 sq ft, for a total of 4450 sq ft. Average commercial pressure washing price per sq. ft. is around 30 cents. That would come to $1335. These services assume that you can supply the water, not bring their own. They are charging us $2100 for the pressure washing, $100 for the City of Bellevue environmental fee, and $211 in taxes.
Last time we hired them, Mr. Pressure Wash had 2 guys pressure spraying for a total of 9 hours over two days. That’s around 4000 gallons at 4 gpm flow rate for 9 hours for two people pressure spraying. They had to refill their 500 gallon tank 3 times during the process.
The reason this outfit is expensive, is that they bring their own 500 gallon water tank and recycle a portion of the water with a vacuum system. If they need more water, they have a hydrant meter to fill up their 500 gallon tank from a hydrant. They also have a sump pump and can pull water from the little stream. They pay a $100 fee to the City Of Bellevue for any runoff that hits the storm sewer and are compliant with EPA’s Clean Water Act regulations.
If we are caught doing pressure washing without EPA compliant equipment, we can supposedly be fined $2000 from the City of Bellevue and $25000 from the EPA .