Sunset Camera

The City of Bellevue has installed a camera for monitoring speed at Sunset Elementary. Here's the official notification from the city:

We have contacted Bellevue Police about the camera being installed at Sunset Elementary and here's some of the highlights:

  • Only southbound traffic will be monitored
  • The camera will only be operational when the amber lights are flashing.
  • The fine will be $124, however it is not a moving violation and will not appear on an offender’s driving record or insurance.
  • The grace period is 30 days and will begin on February 1st, 2015, which means you'll be mailed a warning instead of a real ticket. After the 30 day grace period, the tickets will be real.
  • The camera does have a margin of error. Drivers will not receive infractions for one mile over the speed limit. Warning! Not all speedometers are that accurate. Changing out factory tires may change your speed.