Excessive Pet Noise

The 41.5 CCRs section 3.08 read: [household pets may be kept provided that they] are reasonably controlled so as not to be a nuisance. The 41.5 HOA covenants are superseded by city, county, state and federal laws, so in the event these laws have an enforcement clause for nuisance noise from dog barking, they take precedence, which is the case in King County's Title 11 "Animal Care and Control":

The City of Bellevue has no formal policy on nuisance dog barking. They offer a mediation service for facilitating communication between you and the neighbor with the offending nuisance barking, found here: http://www.41point5.org/docs/Mediation_NeighborhoodIssues_Dogs_05-07.pdf

In the City of Bellevue document, they clearly state "King County Animal Control enforces dog noise ordinances” not the City of Bellevue. So Bellevue Police have no formal process of addressing “nuisance barking", only King County does.

King County code 11.04 defines “animal nuisances” as "Any animal that howls, yelps, whines, barks or makes other oral noises to an unreasonable degree, in such a manner as to disturb a person or neighborhood” King County enforces this by having the person affected by the nuisance to fill out this complaint form:

There are three ways to submit a complaint:

  • Complaints about barking dogs or other nuisance animal noises can be submitted by calling 206-296-PETS (7387), extension 24. The phone hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Hard-copy complaints can be faxed to 206-205-8043, using the complaint form
  • Or, the completed form can be mailed to King County Animal Care and Control, 21615 - 64th Ave. S, Kent, WA 98032.

After submitting the complaint the complainant will be mailed a form called a "petition." This form requires the following to be filled in and returned:

  • A list or log of days and times that the animal noises are occurring.
  • The sign-on of two other neighbors who are also bothered by the noise.
  • A record of contacts with the pet owner and the responses.

After completing the petition, King County Animal Care and Control will mail the pet owner a letter, informing them that a complaint has been submitted, and stating that if their animals are making disturbing noises, they must take action to end the problem. The letter also states that a petition form has been mailed to the complaining party to document any continuing violation. They will also mail the pet owner a brochure on ways to control nuisance barking. Please see the complaint form for a list of follow up enforcements that will occur after these steps have been taken.

The 41.5 Board recommends that residents affected by a barking dog do the following:
1) Talk to your neighbor with the barking dog and see if a mutual understanding and solution can be found
2) If a resolution can't be reached, fill out the King County complaint form to get a formal request in their system to begin the enforcement process.