Water main work 2012

There are two sites in the 41.5 neighborhood.

Site 5 - SE 40th Ct & 171st Ave SE: all water main work is complete the permanent asphalt patch should be done by the May 18.

Site 4 – SE 40th Pl. & 170th Ave SE:The new water main will be tied into the existing water system on Wednesday May 9th, water services will be transfer to the new water main and yard restoration should be completed by the May 11th. The week of May 14th the old water main will be abandoned from the water system and permanent asphalt will be completed. By the week of May 21st all work should be completed and equipment and material removed from the neighborhood.

If you need more information please call:
Tom Zwaller
Utility Construction Inspector
Engineering Division
Bellevue Utilities
(425) 452-6977
Cell 206 465 6544

The water main replacement project page: http://www.ci.bellevue.wa.us/projectsmap/PublicRecordView.aspx?ProjectID...